Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Message from the CEO/Registrar: New COVID-19 Resource for Condo Managers

In May 2020, the CMRAO launched a survey seeking input from condominium management provider businesses on how the recent emergency orders had impacted their operations and their client condominium corporations in Ontario.

The CMRAO has reviewed the results and would like to share some of this feedback with licensees. In addition to helping us better understand how the emergency orders have impacted condominiums, the survey identified key areas where licensees would like to see more information and guidance from the CMRAO.

The CMRAO has just published a guide that addresses some of the questions raised through the survey, and is now available on the Resources section of the CMRAO website. I would like to thank ACMO for providing an industry perspective during this emergency period. The CMRAO is committed to ongoing consultation with the condominium sector and to addressing issues as they arise.

As the government takes a gradual approach to reopening the province, the CMRAO will keep you apprised of any measures that impact the delivery of condominium management services.

Ali Arlani
Chief Executive Officer & Registrar