Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Ontario’s Regulatory Body for the Condominium Management Sector Marks 5 Years of Operation

TORONTO, ON, November 1, 2022 Today, the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) marks its fifth year of operations to protect consumers in the province’s growing condominium industry.

The CMRAO is the regulatory body that sets standards and enforces the mandatory licensing of Ontario’s condominium managers and provider businesses. Meeting these standards enhances the integrity of the sector, elevates the profession, and provides condominium owners and residents with confidence in the people and companies that manage their important investment.

“This anniversary is an opportunity to appreciate our journey and how much has been accomplished in a very short period while pressing forward with a renewed sense of purpose to maintain the high standards we have established for ourselves as a regulator,” said Aubrey Le Blanc, Chair of the CMRAO Board of Directors. “We appreciate and value the industry associations and other partner organizations who have worked collaboratively with us to define standards, and ultimately strengthen the profession.”

The CMRAO began operations on November 1, 2017, to provide stronger consumer protection for Ontarians living and investing in condominiums. The organization was designated by the Government of Ontario under the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015.

“Over the last five years, the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario has built trust in condominium management services across our province,” said Kaleed Rasheed, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery. “As our government strengthens consumer protections for new home buyers and all Ontarians, I am grateful for the CMRAO’s work to protect owners and residents of condos in Ontario.”

Since it began operations, the CMRAO has implemented a new licensing program, published the first competency profile for condominium managers in the province, designed a new education program, established a discipline process, and developed a complaint handling process, an important aspect of consumer protection.

Through effective regulation, the CMRAO is strengthening the condominium management profession to protect consumers in Ontario’s complex and expanding condominium sector. Although many key milestones have been accomplished in only five years, the CMRAO recognizes there is still more to do, which can only be achieved by continuously working with licensees and industry stakeholders focused on the same goal.

Quick facts:

  • There are currently 3,858 condominium managers licensed by the CMRAO, which broken down by licence type represent:
    • 2,417 General Licensees
    • 14 Transitional General Licensees
    • 1,427 Limited Licences
    • 404 Condominium Management Provider Licences (for companies)
  • The regional distribution of CMRAO licences is:
    • Eastern Ontario – 329
    • Western Ontario – 385
    • Central Ontario – 1,902
    • Northern Ontario – 47
    • Toronto – 1,599
  • Since 2017, the CMRAO has managed 4,184 complaints against its licensees
  • Since operations began in 2017, the CMRAO’s compliance activities have included:
    • 8 Discipline decisions
    • 12 Provincial offence convictions (individuals convicted of provincial offences)
    • 10 Proposals to suspend/revoke a licence
    • 7 Proposals to refuse to licence or refuse to renew to licence
    • 51 Registrar’s warning letters

About the CMRAO:

The Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) was established by the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA), to protect consumers by ensuring that condominium managers and management provider businesses are licensed, meet education and experience requirements, and comply with a Code of Ethics.

Media contact:

Tsehaie Makonnen
Manager, Communications and Outreach

Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO)