Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Discipline and Appeals Decisions

Complaints received by the CMRAO could lead to disciplinary hearings. As outlined in O. Reg. 3/18 of the CMSA, these matters are expected to be heard by a panel of at least three members from the CMRAO Discipline Committee. 

If the Discipline Committee determines that a licensee has failed to comply with the Code of Ethics, it may order penalties as appropriate under the CMSA.

Decisions of the Discipline Committee can be appealed (by any party to a hearing) to the CMRAO Appeals Committee.

Committee Members

Members of the Discipline Committee and the Appeals Committee are appointed by the CMRAO Board of Directors to serve a two-year term.

Discipline Committee

Chair: Daniela T. Corapi

Term: May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2026

Committee Members

Allyson Ingham
Bob St. George
Bradley Wells
Dan Fried
Daniel Mousavi
Frank Gallo
Joanna Yu
Nadia Freeman
Shane Haskell
Andrea Korth
Aviva Harari

Rules of Practice

The rules of practice for the discipline process:

• provide a fair, open, and accessible process for parties and other interested persons

• allow for efficient and timely proceedings

• assist the Discipline Committee and Appeals Committee in fulfilling their mandates

Download the Rules of Practice [PDF - 435 KB]

Hearings Process

As part of the CMRAO’s mandate to license and regulate condominium management providers and condominium managers in the public interest, the CMRAO’s Registrar may refer allegations of violations of the Code of Ethics to the CMRAO’s Discipline Committee for a hearing.

Download the Licensee Guide to the Discipline Process [PDF - 347 KB]

Hearing Notices

The Hearings Officer of the CMRAO hereby gives notice that a public hearing will be held electronically in the matter of CMRAO v Karen King and King Condo Management Inc. on the following dates: August 26, 27 and 29 from 10am to 4:30pm. Those interested in attending should contact the CMRAO Hearing Office at no later than August 23, 2024.



Click on a case to expand and view each discipline and appeal decision.

Datsun Property Management LTD. and Slobodan Pauloski | Date of Decision: 2024/04/17

Topic(s): Solicitation of Proxy Forms, Failure to Properly Supervise a Limited Licensee

View decision and order [PDF - 316 KB]

Michele Moore | Date of Decision: 2022/03/20

Topic(s): Misleading the Corporation, Preventing Errors, Keeping Client Informed, Conscientious and Competent Service

View decision and order [PDF - 254 KB]

Larlyn Property Management | Date of Decision: 2021/12/09

Topic(s): Transfer of Records, Transfer of Funds, Competence, Responsiveness

View decision and order [PDF - 174 KB]

Larlyn Property Management | Date of Decision: 2021/10/28

Topic(s): Transfer or Records, Transfer of Funds

View decision and order [PDF - 298 KB]

Bruno Zaffino | Date of Decision: 2021/05/08

Topic(s): Conflict of interest, Procurement, Permitting unlicensed practice

View decision and order [PDF - 615 KB]

Elena Schneider | Date of Decision: 2021/02/26

Topic(s): Conflict of Interest, Procurement

View decision and order [PDF - 712 KB]