Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

About Licensing

Condominium managers are professionals who need a licence to oversee a condominium corporation’s day-to-day operations. All individuals and businesses providing condominium management services in Ontario must have a valid licence issued by the CMRAO. These licensing requirements are set out under the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA), and the General Regulation.

Regulation by the CMRAO means condominium managers and management provider businesses are licensed, meet education requirements and comply with a code of ethics that is set out in provincial regulation.

The CMRAO issues three types of licences. The two licences issued for condominium managers are a General Licence and a Limited Licence. A Condominium Management Provider Licence is issued to management provider businesses.

The type of licence that an individual obtains depends primarily on their education and experience providing condominium management services. Individuals who hold a General Licence (also known as General Licensees) are required to accumulate 10 Continuing Professional Education (CPE)  credits each licensing year in order to renew their licence annually.

The CMRAO makes available, to the public, licensing actions that may include the refusal to renew a licence, revoke or suspend a licence.

Meeting these standards enhances the integrity of the sector, advances the profession and helps to protect consumers in Ontario’s complex and rapidly growing condominium industry.