Licensing Exemptions
Some people may be exempt from licensing if they provide services within the authority of their profession (for example, lawyers, engineers, architects, accountants). The CMRAO reviews the provisions of the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA) and the General Regulation to assess whether a person needs to hold a licence in order to provide condominium management services. The CMRAO’s resource, Do I Need a Licence? Interpreting the Definition of “Providing Condo Management Services”, provides guidance and useful examples to help determine if an individual is required to have a licence to provide their services.
Self-Managed Condominiums
A person who is elected or appointed as an officer or director of a condominium corporation under the Condominium Act, 1998, including an officer or director who receives compensation pursuant to a by-law made under clause 56 (1) (d) of that Act, is not required to hold a licence unless the person is providing condominium management services for compensation or reward or the expectation of such.
If a director of a condominium board is receiving compensation for providing condominium management services, then that director must hold a Transitional General Licence or a General Licence. A Limited Licensee is not permitted to be employed directly by a condominium corporation. A person with a Limited Licence must be employed by a licensed condominium management provider business to provide condominium management services.
For a complete list of the exemptions, please see Section 2 of the General Regulation.