Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

November 1 – CMRAO’s One-Year Anniversary

November 1 – CMRAO’s One-Year Anniversary

On November 1, 2017, the Condominium Management Services Act , 2015 (CMSA) came into effect, and the CMRAO was officially designated as the administrative authority to licence and regulate the condominium management sector. Since then, staff have processed over 3,000 licence applications, managed nearly 500 complaints, and completed the first round of licence renewals (among many other achievements). It has truly been an exciting and eventful year.,

The CMRAO would like to thank all licensees for their cooperation during this time. There have been a lot of recent changes in the condo sector and we acknowledge your ability to adapt to them quickly, while continuing to service condo communities across Ontario. Congratulations on your first year as licensed condominium managers.

During the month of November, the CMRAO will share insights and information about the sector, which will be available on the CMRAO website, as well as on social media.


On November 9, the CMRAO’s Ali Arlani, CEO/Registrar, and Sandy Vizely, Deputy Registrar, will host a webinar focused on the role and responsibilities of condo managers as they relate to records management and the use of proxies. This is an opportunity to ask questions and get information on two important topics that condo managers deal with regularly.

Register for CMRAO Webinar

Licence Cards Update

Your new laminated CMRAO licence card will be arriving in the mail soon! The expected date of delivery is pending due to the rotating Canada Post strikes. Mail is not being picked up or delivered in areas impacted by the strike, and as a result, regions across Ontario may experience mail delivery delays.

Mandatory Director Training

All condo directors appointed, elected, or re-elected on or after November 1, 2017, are legally required to complete the training program provided by the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) within six months of their appointment, election, orre-election date. The only exemption is for directors of a pre-turn-over board  (controlled by the developer).
Please remind your Board(s) that each director must log in to her/his own CAO account to complete the online training or else they will not get credit for completion. Directors should call the CAO if they need help creating an account. More information on training is available on the CAO’s website.