Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario


A condominium corporation will often hire a provider business or condominium manager to oversee its day-to-day operations. Condominium managers and provider businesses need a licence to fulfil this role. All individuals and businesses providing condominium management services in Ontario must have a valid licence issued by the CMRAO. Licensing requirements are set out under the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA), and the General Regulation.

The CMRAO issues three types of licences:

For individuals:

  • General Licence
  • Limited Licence

For companies providing condominium management services:

  • Condominium Management Provider Licence

Transitional General Licences were a time-limited licence type issued to experienced condominium managers who needed additional time to complete the education requirements necessary for a General Licence. These licences expired on June 30, 2022. If an individual’s Transitional General Licence expired and the individual did not hold another active licence (General or Limited) with the CMRAO, that individual may no longer provide condominium management services in Ontario.

The type of licence that an individual requires depends primarily on their education and experience providing condominium management services. Each type of licence is described in full below.

Managers are required to meet education requirements and comply with a Code of Ethics that is set out in provincial regulation. Education requirements for Managers holding a General Licence (also known as General Licensees) also includes completing Continuing Professional Education (CPE). General Licensees are required to accumulate a minimum of ten (10) CPE credits annually by attending eligible learning activities in order to renew their licence.

Meeting these standards enhances the integrity of the sector, advances the profession and provides condominium owners with confidence in the companies and people who manage their important investment.

Limited Licence

Individuals who have provided condominium management services for less than two years and work under the supervision of a General Licensee.

General Licence

Individuals who have provided condominium management services for at least two years and successfully completed the necessary education requirements.

Condominium Management Provider Licence

Any business that provides condominium management services to condominium corporations.

Licence Renewal

All licences issued by the CMRAO expire unless they are renewed annually. Managers and provider businesses must submit renewal applications and annual licensing fees by the deadline.

Licence Reinstatement

Individuals who allowed their licence to become inactive and want to return to work as a condominium manager may reinstate their licence.