Obligations and Requirements
The Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 and regulations set out obligations and requirements for licensees. Some apply to specific classes of licensees and others to all licensees. The following section provides a summary of the role and obligations of a condominium manager. This list is not exhaustive. If there is any discrepancy, the CMSA and regulation prevail over this summary.
1. Prohibited from working for more than one condominium management provider (business) without consent
A licensed condominium manager must not be employed by more than one condominium management provider unless they have obtained the written consent from all providers that employ them.
2. Working directly for a condominium corporation
A condominium manager who holds a General Licence or a Transitional General Licence may work directly for a condominium corporation provided that they are not directly employed by more than three condominium corporations and they are not an independent contractor. A Limited Licensee cannot be employed directly by a condominium corporation. Limited Licensees must be employed by a condominium management provider.
3. Carrying the Certificate of Licence
Condominium managers must carry their most recently issued Certificate of Licence when providing condominium management services, and produce it for inspection on the request of any person. The manager may produce a hard copy or display their licence on a mobile device.
4. Address for service in Ontario
All condominium managers and management providers must maintain an Ontario address for service from the CMRAO.
5. Condominium management services contract
Every licensee who provides condominium management services to a client must have a written contract governing the services, and must not provide the services except in accordance with the contract.
6. Prohibition related to proxy instruments
A licensee, or any person acting for the licensee, cannot solicit an instrument appointing a proxy for a meeting if the subject matter of the meeting includes:
• Any matter directly related to the licensee
• Any matter directly related to the removal or the election of one or more of the directors of the client
The general regulation allows for a licensee to solicit an instrument appointing a proxy for a meeting if it is solely for the purpose of establishing quorum at a meeting. For more information about a manager’s role regarding the use of proxy forms, please refer to our guide
7. Transfer of records
Upon termination of a contract for condominium management services to a client, licensees must immediately transfer to the client all records and documents relating to the client.
For more information about a manager’s responsibilities regarding maintenance and transfer of records, please refer to our guide
A Guide for Licensees: Records Management for Condominium Managers.
8. Cannot provide false information
Licensees must not falsify information, or assist, induce or counsel another person to falsify information related to the licensee’s provision of condominium management services. The same prohibition exists for furnishing and assisting to furnish false information related to the licensee’s provision of condominium management services.
9. Counselling contravention of the Act
Licensees must not counsel, advise or knowingly assist a person to contravene the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015, or the Condominium Act, 1998.
10. Disclosure of interest in a contract
Licensees must disclose to their client any material interest they have in a contract, and obtain the written approval of the client before entering into the contract. The licensee must not be present for the condominium board’s discussion about the interest in the contract unless the board consents.
11. Records maintained for at least six years
Licensees must keep records related to the following activities for at least six years:
• Completion of education, examinations, continuing education and employment related to condominium management
• Employment or engagement contracts with condominium corporations
• Work experience requirements for a General Licence
• Supervision of a Limited Licensee
• Documentation of any disclosure required to be made under the CMSA to a client
• Employment records for condominium managers
• Delegations to a condominium manager to hold or collect money on behalf of a condominium corporation
• Any other notice or record required under the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015, or its regulations
Refer to the General Regulation for a comprehensive description of records to maintain.
12. Storage of records in a dwelling
A licensee must have prior approval of the registrar to store condominium management records in a dwelling. This approval will be based on making adequate arrangements for access to the records by the CMRAO as permitted by the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015.
13. Client records
A licensee has the following obligations to clients in handling their records:
• Make and retain copies for contracted purposes
• Transfer records at termination of contract
• Keep records secure
• Not use or disclose records unless necessary for purposes set out in Section 35(4) (a) and (b) of the General Regulation
14. Change of information notifications
All licensees are expected to keep their profile information up-to-date with the CMRAO. This includes maintaining an up-to-date address, email address, phone number and legal name. The Condominium Management Services Act, 2015, requires that licensees, within five days of the change, notify the registrar of a change in address for service and any commencement or termination of employment by a condominium management firm or condominium corporation. See Part Four of the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 and Sections 28–35 of the General Regulation for more information.
15. Limited Licensee requires supervision
A condominium manager who holds a Limited Licence cannot provide condominium management services except under the supervision of a General Licensee or Transitional General Licensee. For more information, please refer to the Limited Licence page.
Please refer to Sections 8 and 22 of the General Regulation for more detailed information.
16. Limited Licensee can provide condominium management services only under the employment of a condominium management provider
Limited Licensees cannot be employed directly by a condominium corporation. Limited Licensees can provide condominium management services only under the employment of a licensed condominium management provider.