New CMRAO Login Process
The CMRAO has changed the login process for accessing your CMRAO account. We previously required a username and password, but going forward you will access your CMRAO account using the email address associated with your account and a password.
To complete the process, all current holders of a CMRAO account must complete aone-time account verification. To reverify your account, please follow these instructions:
- Click here to open the login page.
- Click Sign up now to open the registration/verification page.
- In the email address field, type in the email address associated with your CMRAO account (do not enter a different email address).
- Click on the Send verification code button. The page will refresh and a verification code field will appear. An email with a verification code will be sent to the email address associated with your CMRAO account.
- Open a new browser or window (or email service such as Outlook) and log into the email account that is associated with your CMRAO account. Find and open an email with the subject line “CMRAO account email verification code” and copy the 6-digit verification code.
- Once the verification code is copied, go back to the browser or window with the CMRAO login page and paste the code into the Verification code field, then click on the Verify code button.
- You will see a prompt to create a new password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields. You may use your current password or create a new one, as long as it is a minimum of 8 characters and contains three of the following: a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a digit, and a symbol.
- When both fields are completed, click on the Create button to complete the reverification process. After your account is successfully reverified, you will be logged into your CMRAO account, where all your profile information will be available.