Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario


The CMRAO Newsroom offers news and updates about the CMRAO's services and activities, as well as messages from the Chair of the Board and the CEO/Registrar.

Subscribe to the CMRAO Quarterly. New issue coming soon!

Spring 2024 | Vol. 6 | Issue 1

The CMRAO has recently secured convictions against two corporations for providing condominium management services without…

Winter 2024 | Vol. 5 | Issue 3

The CMRAO is hosting a Fire Safety for Condominium Managers webinar on Thursday, February 22. This event includes…

Autumn 2023 | Vol. 5 | Issue 2

The job of a condominium manager is vital to the well-being of the communities they…

Summer 2023 | Vol. 5 | Issue 1

The CMRAO provides strong consumer protection for Ontarians living and investing in condominiums by regulating…

SPRING 2023 | Vol. 4 | ISSUE 3

The CMRAO’s new Business Plan 2023–24 is informed by the Strategic Plan and outlines the…

AUTUMN 2022 | Vol. 4 | ISSUE 2

Five years ago, on November 1, 2017, the CMRAO was established under the Condominium Management Services…

SUMMER 2022 | VOL. 4 | ISSUE 1

The Advisory Committee provides valuable perspective and input on issues of importance and advises the CMRAO on…

Winter 2022 | Vol. 3 | Issue 4

The Board of Directors recently approved the CMRAO’s new Strategic Plan 2022–25 that will guide the…

Autumn 2021 | Vol. 3 | Issue 3

In response to the rapidly-spreading and highly transmissible Omicron variant, the Ontario government, in consultation…