Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario


The CMRAO Newsroom offers news and updates about the CMRAO's services and activities, as well as messages from the Chair of the Board and the CEO/Registrar.

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Licensing Fees Support CMRAO’s Oversight of Ontario’s Condominium Management Sector

Licensing condominium managers in Ontario is crucial in ensuring the professionalism, accountability, and competence of…

Why Licensing is Essential for Condominium Management in Ontario

Across the province, condominium communities are growing, as is the need for individuals and businesses…

Introduction to Reserve Funds: How to Manage a Reserve Fund Study Process

This is Part Three of a three-part series on reserve funds. How is the amount…

Introduction to Reserve Funds: What is a Reserve Fund Study and When to do One

This is Part Two of a three-part series on reserve funds. What is a reserve…

Introduction to Reserve Funds: What they Are and What They Cover

This is Part One of a three-part series on reserve funds. What is a reserve…

Condo Managers and the Handling of a Corporation’s Financial Matters

Condominium managers hired by a condo corporation (through its Board of Directors) have a number…

Handling Requests for Records from a Condominium’s Board of Directors

The Condominium Act, 1998 (Condo Act), outlines: The legal obligations of the condominium corporation (through…

Promoting a Safe Workplace for Condominium Managers

The CMRAO is aware of the increasing number of condominium managers and provider businesses that…

How a Regulated Condominium Management Profession Helps Communities Thrive

Condominium communities are great places to live. Owners can expect that the buildings and facilities…