Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario


The CMRAO Newsroom offers news and updates about the CMRAO's services and activities, as well as messages from the Chair of the Board and the CEO/Registrar.

Subscribe to the CMRAO Quarterly. New issue coming soon!

Registrar Proposes Licence Revocation and Issues Immediate Suspension Order

In September 2023, the CMRAO became aware of concerning allegations about a licensed condominium manager’s…


In response to concerning allegations about a licensed condominium manager’s involvement in handling a condominium…

First CMRAO Prosecution Trial Results in Conviction on All Counts

On May 30, 2023, the CMRAO’s first prosecution concluded with the two defendants, Azza Nefzaoui…

LAT Decision Upholds Licence Revocation and Refusal in the Interest of Public Protection

On March 10, 2023, the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) upheld a decision of the Registrar…

Discipline Committee Fines Provider Business for Failure to Transfer Funds

In April 2022, the CMRAO’s Discipline Committee issued a decision against a licensed condominium management…

Discipline Committee Orders Fine and Completion of Education Course for Breaching Code of Ethics

In March 2022, the CMRAO’s Discipline Committee issued a decision against a licensed condominium manager…

Inspection Leads to Additional Actions and LAT Decision for Provider Business

On February 14, 2022, the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) issued a decision directing the Registrar…