Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

CMRAO’s New Education Program Prepares Managers for a Career in Ontario’s Growing Condominium Industry

The following article was originally published as a blog post and has been reprinted with permission from the Canadian Condominium Institute – Eastern Ontario Chapter.

The Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) recently introduced new education requirements that impact both future and current CMRAO licensees. On November 1, 2021, the authority to set education requirements transferred from the Minister of Government and Consumer Services to the Registrar of the CMRAO. The CMRAO’s new education program will help to prepare condominium managers for their career at different stages, with one course for new licence applicants, and five courses for those seeking a General Licence. In the future, the CMRAO will also introduce continuing education and professional development requirements for experienced condominium managers as well.

Prerequisite Course to Obtain a Limited Licence

One feature of the CMRAO’s new education program is Excellence in Condominium Management, a mandatory course for Limited Licence applicants. Individuals interested in entering the industry must now successfully complete this course and satisfy other licensing requirements before they qualify for a Limited Licence.

The objective of the Excellence in Condominium Management course is to provide prospective condominium managers with foundational knowledge of the condominium industry and the role of a condominium manager so they are fully aware of the realities of their role before pursuing the pathway to a General Licence. Above all else, the course aims to set a consistent standard of excellence for condominium managers in Ontario.

The Excellence in Condominium Management course is a hybrid learning experience that consists of ten eLearning modules, three mandatory instructor-led sessions, and a final proctored exam. Learners must complete all ten modules and attend and participate in the three instructor-led sessions before they are allowed to write the final exam. This course also offers virtual “office hours” where learners can interact with the instructor to gain guidance and assistance through their course journey.

Evolution of Educational Path to Professional Condominium Management

The new education program affects prospective condominium managers in Ontario at the outset of their journey into the profession. Candidates who decide to follow the pathway to a General Licence should complete the additional five courses to qualify for a General Licence while they accumulate the work experience required for a General Licence. The new education program was informed by feedback the CMRAO received directly from the sector, and aims to address areas that experienced condominium managers felt were most important when they first started their careers.

The CMRAO’s new education program will help shape a new generation of condominium managers who will be well prepared to support the massive growth in the province’s condominium industry.

Visit the website to learn more about the CMRAO’s new education program, or contact the CMRAO for more information or by phone at 1-866-888-5426.