Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Hiring a Condominium Provider Business

A condominium manager is often hired to oversee the corporation’s day-to-day operations.

Contract Performance Management

Every licensee that provides condominium management services to a client must have a written contract.


The CMSA sets our rules that condominium managers and management provider businesses must follow.

Management Directory

Search the management directory to find condominium management providers by region.

Condo Boards

Each condominium corporation across the Province of Ontario is governed by an owner-elected board of directors. The board is responsible for ensuring that the corporation complies with all aspects of the Condominium Act, 1998. Board directors volunteer their time and expertise to manage the affairs of the corporation according to the corporation’s specific declaration, by-laws and rules. Some of their duties include overseeing major repairs of common elements, ensuring responsible financial management and communicating with unit owners.

There are specific qualifications that directors must have in order to run for and be elected to serve on a board. A list of director qualifications can be found at the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) website.

For more information about the roles and responsibilities of a condominium’s board of directors visit the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) website.

The business relationship between a board of directors and a condominium manager and management provider business should be professional and cordial. CMRAO licensees have an obligation to promote and protect the best interests of their client, the condominium corporation.

About the CMRAO: Information for Condominium Boards and Directors

This resource for condominium boards and directors includes general information about the CMRAO. It also highlights our role in regulating Ontario’s condominium management sector, relevant legislation, licensing, the CMRAO’s consumer protection mandate, and the complaints handling process.

Condominium managers are free to distribute this document or share the link with their boards and directors.

Download About the CMRAO: Information for Condominium Boards and Directors [PDF 1,000 KB]


Elevating Devices in Condominiums Webinar Recording

On June 20, 2024, the CMRAO hosted its Elevating Devices in Condominiums webinar. Featuring panelists…

Licensing Fees Support CMRAO’s Oversight of Ontario’s Condominium Management Sector

Licensing condominium managers in Ontario is crucial in ensuring the professionalism, accountability, and competence of…

Spring 2024 | Vol. 6 | Issue 1

The CMRAO has recently secured convictions against two corporations for providing condominium management services without…

Resource Centre

About the CMRAO: Information for Condominium Boards and Directors

(opens a PDF)

Download About the CMRAO: Information for Condominium Boards and Directors [PDF 1,000 KB]

CMRAO Licensing Overview

(opens a PDF)

Download the CMRAO Licensing Overview [PDF - 597 KB]

COVID-19 Resources


The following resources are available to assist condominium managers concerned about how COVID-19 impacts condominiums and their role as provider of an essential service in these unprecedented times.

Ask the CMRAO Webinar Slide Deck

(opens a PDF)

Download the Ask the CMRAO Webinar Presentation here. [PDF - 2MB]

Materials available on the Condominium Authority of Ontario website

(opens a new window)

The Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) is dedicated to providing information, resources, and services to support condo communities across Ontario.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions about new regulations for electric vehicle charging systems (EVCSs)

Plain Language Guide Produced by the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (formerly MGCS)

(opens a PDF)

Download the Plain Language Guide Produced by the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery [PDF - 832KB]

Complaints, Insurance and Other Requirements Regulation

(opens a new window)

Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 ONTARIO REGULATION 4/18

Code of Ethics and Discipline and Appeals Committees Regulation

(opens a new window)

Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 ONTARIO REGULATION 3/18

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