Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Licence Reinstatement

Individuals who want to return to work as a condominium manager following a brief or prolonged absence may follow our guidelines to reinstate their licence.

CPE Resources Available

Learn how to report CPE credits to the CMRAO.

Becoming a Condominium Manager

Condominium managers are essential to a condominium corporation’s day-to-day operations and help maintain vibrant communities across Ontario.


The CMRAO issues several types of licences: two licences for condominium managers and one licence for management provider businesses.


Part of successful regulation in the public interest involves ensuring that licensees meet a defined standard of education.

Roles & Obligations

The role of a condominium manager involves various important responsibilities and obligations, as set out under the CMSA.

Condo Management

A condominium corporation will often hire a condominium management provider business or condominium manager to help oversee its day-to-day operations. Under the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA), individuals and businesses that provide condominium management services in Ontario must be licensed by the CMRAO. 

Virtual Meetings Resource for Condominium Managers

hybrid (virtual and in-person) meeting

On June 8, 2023, the Ontario government passed the Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023, which includes amendments to the Condominium Act, 1998 (Condo Act) to better reflect the digital age and allow for broader participation by implementing virtual processes.

The CMRAO has developed a guide to help condominium managers prepare for the planning and execution of virtual/hybrid meetings and undertaking other virtual processes, such as electronic voting and notices.

Download Administering Virtual Meetings: A Guide for Condominium Managers [PDF 603 KB]


Elevating Devices in Condominiums Webinar Recording

On June 20, 2024, the CMRAO hosted its Elevating Devices in Condominiums webinar. Featuring panelists…

Licensing Fees Support CMRAO’s Oversight of Ontario’s Condominium Management Sector

Licensing condominium managers in Ontario is crucial in ensuring the professionalism, accountability, and competence of…

Spring 2024 | Vol. 6 | Issue 1

The CMRAO has recently secured convictions against two corporations for providing condominium management services without…

Resource Centre

Code of Ethics: Providing Competent Service


Condominium managers must comply with the Code of Ethics regulation, which promotes professionalism, reliability, and quality of service. The role of a condominium manager is very complex and often requires shifting priorities.

Code of Ethics: Preventing Unlicensed Practice


Condominium managers must comply with the Code of Ethics regulation, which promotes professionalism, reliability, and quality of service. All individuals and businesses providing condominium management services in Ontario must have a valid licence issued by the CMRAO.

Electric Vehicle Charging System Regulations and Installations

(opens a PDF)

Download Electric Vehicle Charging System Regulations and Installations: What Condominium Managers Need to Know [PDF 492 KB]

CMRAO Inspections: Administering Owners’ Meetings, and Voting Processes

(opens a PDF)

Download CMRAO Inspections: Administering Owners’ Meetings, and Voting Processes [PDF 325 KB]

CMRAO Inspections: Guide to Records Management Inspections for Management Providers

(opens a PDF)

Download CMRAO Inspections: Guide to Records Management Inspections for Management Providers [PDF 385 KB]

Administering Virtual Meetings: A Guide for Condominium Managers

(opens a PDF)

Download Administering Virtual Meetings: A Guide for Condominium Managers [PDF 603 KB]

How to Enter a Completed CPE Learning Activity into the Portal

(opens a PDF)

Download How to Enter a Completed CPE Learning Activity into the Portal [PDF - 521 KB]

CMRAO Licensing Overview

(opens a PDF)

Download the CMRAO Licensing Overview [PDF - 597 KB]

COVID-19 Resources


The following resources are available to assist condominium managers concerned about how COVID-19 impacts condominiums and their role as provider of an essential service in these unprecedented times.

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