Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Complaints Process

Anyone with a concern related to the conduct of a licensed condominium manager or provider business can submit a complaint online.

Condominium Managers and Management Providers

The Board of Directors is responsible for making decisions about the condominium corporation on behalf of the owners.


The CMSA sets out rules that condominium managers and provider businesses must follow.

Condo Owners

As a condominium owner you not only own your individual unit, you also share ownership in the condominium community. Of course, ownership comes with responsibilities and expectations. Understanding your rights and obligations is essential to living harmoniously and to ensuring you are respecting the rights of everyone around you.


Get to Know the CMRAO: A Guide for Condominium Owners and Residents

This resource has been developed to provide general information to condominium owners and residents about the CMRAO and our consumer protection role in the condominium management sector. It covers a number of topics that may be of interest to owners and residents, including the CMRAO’s services, operations, licensing, education, and more.

Owners and residents are invited to view and share this document with others in their condominium community.

Download Get to Know the CMRAO: A Guide for Condominium Owners and Residents [PDF 945 KB]


Elevating Devices in Condominiums Webinar Recording

On June 20, 2024, the CMRAO hosted its Elevating Devices in Condominiums webinar. Featuring panelists…

Licensing Fees Support CMRAO’s Oversight of Ontario’s Condominium Management Sector

Licensing condominium managers in Ontario is crucial in ensuring the professionalism, accountability, and competence of…

Spring 2024 | Vol. 6 | Issue 1

The CMRAO has recently secured convictions against two corporations for providing condominium management services without…

Resource Centre

Code of Ethics: Providing Competent Service


Condominium managers must comply with the Code of Ethics regulation, which promotes professionalism, reliability, and quality of service. The role of a condominium manager is very complex and often requires shifting priorities.

Code of Ethics: Preventing Unlicensed Practice


Condominium managers must comply with the Code of Ethics regulation, which promotes professionalism, reliability, and quality of service. All individuals and businesses providing condominium management services in Ontario must have a valid licence issued by the CMRAO.

Role of the CMRAO and the CAO for Ontario's Condominium Communities

(opens a PDF)

Download the Role of the CMRAO and the CAO for Ontario's Condominium Communities [PDF - 100 KB]

CMRAO Inspections: Administering Owners’ Meetings, and Voting Processes

(opens a PDF)

Download CMRAO Inspections: Administering Owners’ Meetings, and Voting Processes [PDF 325 KB]

CMRAO Inspections: Guide to Records Management Inspections for Management Providers

(opens a PDF)

Download CMRAO Inspections: Guide to Records Management Inspections for Management Providers [PDF 385 KB]

Get to Know the CMRAO: A Guide for Condominium Owners and Residents

(opens a PDF)

Download Get to Know the CMRAO: A Guide for Condominium Owners and Residents [PDF 945 KB]

COVID-19 Resources


The following resources are available to assist condominium managers concerned about how COVID-19 impacts condominiums and their role as provider of an essential service in these unprecedented times.

Ask the CMRAO Webinar Slide Deck

(opens a PDF)

Download the Ask the CMRAO Webinar Presentation here. [PDF - 2MB]

Materials available on the Condominium Authority of Ontario website

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The Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) is dedicated to providing information, resources, and services to support condo communities across Ontario.

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