Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

CMRAO’s Coordinators Are Here to help!

CMRAO’s Coordinators Are Here to help!

The CMRAO’s licensing and compliance team is made up of a group of highly knowledgeable individuals. Our coordinators are trained in condominium law and work with condominium legislation daily when gathering information about complaint files and explaining licensing requirements with licensees and potential applicants.

In addition to staying current with industry news, coordinators also engage directly with the sector by attending conferences across Ontario and through outreach to members of CMRAO’s Advisory Committee on relevant issues facing the sector.  

Through daily contact with the sector by email and phone, our coordinators have accumulated insight and knowledge about the common complaints and issues within the condo management community.

In addition to being engaged with the sector, our coordinators work continually on personal and professional development, attending workshops that focus on customer service and sessions offered by legal professionals.

Our coordinators strive to respond to each phone call and email communication with professionalism and courtesy, and they are committed to service excellence and delivering the CMRAO’s mandate.