Designations for CMRAO Licensees
In response to inquiries from the sector related to the use of a specific CMRAO licence designation, on March 23, 2020, the CMRAO’s Board of Directors adopted a resolution to assign designations according to the class of a licence.
While use of the designation is voluntary, licensed condominium managers may now use the designation that reflects their CMRAO licence. There are three licence classes and designations:
- Individuals with a General or Transitional General Licence may use the designation:
Ontario Licensed Condominium Manager (OLCM)
- Individuals with a Limited Licence may use the designation:
Ontario Licensed Condominium Manager (OLCM–L)
- Businesses with a Condominium Management Provider Licence may use the designation:
Ontario Licensed Condominium Management Provider (OLCMP)
Condominium managers are professionals who need a licence to provide their services as do many other professions in Ontario. Licensees who choose to promote their licence should ensure that they accurately represent the CMRAO licence they hold.
The CMRAO will begin implementing the new designation at the end of the 2020–21 licence renewal period.