Condominium Management
Regulatory Authority of Ontario

Using Your CMRAO Licence Designation

Using Your CMRAO Licence Designation

The CMRAO recently announced three professional designations that condominium managers and management provider businesses can use to represent their CMRAO licence. Before this announcement, some licensees either adopted the CMRAO logo or used their own wording, such as “CMRAO Licence” or “Licensed Manager” to display their CMRAO designation – both of which are unintentionally misleading.

The designations announced by the CMRAO can be used in email signatures, on stationary, or on business cards, as well as across social media or any other form of communication, including marketing and personal/corporate branding materials. Although it is not mandatory to use a licence designation, consistently promoting your licence helps to create uniformity within the profession, and accurately conveys the licence you hold.

If you choose to use the designation, you can follow this simple format:

Licensee Name, Designation

Here is how a business card might look for a General Licensee using the designation:

Condominium management provider businesses can also incorporate the new Ontario Licensed Condominium Management Provider (OLCMP) designation in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

Sample business card:

Sample letterhead:

Sample e-mail signature:

Learn more about the right designation to use for your licence here. If you are unsure of whether you’re using the new designation correctly, reach out to us at